Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Week 2 of Month 2 - Insanity

Week 2 of Month 2 on Insanity started, and I can seriously feel my muscles wearing out. I can say that I do feel like I am improving little by little, but there is a reason why Insanity is called Insanity. There are times when I want to quit everything during the hardest parts of the video. I still find myself resting throughout the video, and although it does make me feel discouraged that I can't go through a video of Insanity without resting, I am still glad that I don't quit before the entire video ends. Month 2 is meant to be harder than Month 1, but I guess I didn't really expect it to be that much harder. Now that I'm on Week 2 of Month 2, I can definitely say that it's harder than I thought. I do feel like I could've gained better results if I changed my diet to a healthier option. But regardless of what I choose to eat, I still feel healthier and I can feel my body getting stronger.

After this week, I only have 2 more weeks to go before I finish the entire 60 day Insanity workout plan. I don't really know what to expect when I finish the entire program. I would like to think that I'll see good results, but I don't want to have high expectations and then feel disappointed if I don't get the results I wanted. So I don't think I'll be weighing myself to see any changes. I've mentioned earlier before that weight doesn't measure your body's value. A number shouldn't determine how fat or how skinny you are. Yes, weight is used to indicate your BMI, but I honestly believe that if you believe that you are healthy the way you are, then numbers shouldn't matter. I exercise not to become skinnier, but I exercise to get stronger. If I'm able to get stronger, becoming skinnier will seem like a bonus, not a goal. I want to be strong and healthy for once, and exercise is one of my many changes in my lifestyle that will help me reach my goal.

As far as what I will do after I finish Insanity, I honestly don't know. I did mention before that I wanted to restart Insanity so that I can master the videos and reach to the point where I can go through one video without stopping. But I'm not too sure if that'll make things too boring. I do get bored doing the same videos, and to be honest, I'm starting to get bored of the insanity videos already. It's not that I think they're easy. They're very hard for me, and I definitely need to improve. But maybe changing things will help me to stay motivated to exercise since it's something new, and I may look forward to doing new videos due to curiosity. This isn't something set in stone just yet, so do let me know what you think. Should I redo Insanity, or should I start a new workout series?

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