I've been doing pretty good on my workouts. Things have been very consistent and I always add a challenge here and there to prevent my weight from plateau-ing. I've slowly been incorporating cardio workouts as well. My day has been going great with Cassey's new book in my hands, and the free "Train like a beast, look like a beauty" tote bag. But regardless of how great your day is going, there's always going to be one of those days where your day started out great, but ended terribly. It's up to our minds to fix the bad experience to a good one. I've posted in previous blogs about how we have to learn to change negativity into positivity by looking at things in a different light. But there are those times when it just doesn't seem to be that easy to do. Today was one of those days, and I have got to say that it has been tough to ignore the haters I faced. I guess it's because this is the first time I've ever faced one. Maybe after a few more hate comments, I'll get used to it and learn to ignore them.
So here's what happened with my encounter with haters. I posted on a fitness forum about how I eat, workout, and go about my day to stay fit. I wasn't saying that my method was perfect and flawless, nor was I saying that I was skinny in any way. I just shared my knowledge and routine so that others can look at how motivated I am, and to get motivated as well. Well, right after I posted, somebody commented below saying, "So you're fat" and "Go lose some weight". I don't know what kind of person would post such rude comments to anybody trying to lose weight, but it really hurt my feelings. I know I shouldn't have taken it personally because there will always be someone out there that will criticize your methods, or just leave random hate comments. Who knows why they felt compelled to leave rude comments. It could have been because they're jealous of your motivation, or that they really think you're fat. But what's important is that, you don't get as affected with these comments as I did. I literally spent the rest of my day questioning whether I was fat, or whether my methods were just not good enough. But at the end of the day, you know your body best. Don't let others tell you what your body should be and shouldn't be. If you are working towards losing weight, then those comments aren't worth reading. You're working hard, and that's all that matters. You should set your own goals and standard of how your body should look. If you love the way your body looks right now, that's great. If you'd like to improve to lose a little bit more, then good job on staying consistent! There will always be people out there to ruin your day, and it's up to you to ignore them, and stay motivated. I just had to get this off my chest. I would never want anybody else to experience the things I felt, and so I thought I'd share my little story.
50 min of Body Sculpt (at my school gym)
20 min of Blogilates
Breakfast - Healthy fried rice
Lunch - Hummus quinoa bowl (from a health cafe nearby)
Dinner - Ezekiel bread with avocado hummus
Snack - Strawberries
How I felt:
I felt really tired today! That body sculpt class was intense! I felt sore for the rest of the day because my muscles were tired. Today's blogilates workout was all about stretching, so I'm glad I added that in to get that good stretch after an intense workout. Make sure you're stretching before and after your workouts! Stretching is important, and prevents injury and helps you to not be sore the next day. My diet could have been better if I had strawberries in between lunch and dinner rather than after dinner at such a late time. I also need to make sure to drink more water.
Question: So have you ever encountered rude comments about your body? What did you do to deal with it? Do you think it affects your motivation?
Interesting post. You asked about my plant of Dendrobium Gina Perlite. I got it from Tom Perlite at Golden Gate Orchids in San Francisco and you would have to try to get hold of him, but I am not sure he is even in business any more.